Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour?

It is an annual international event organized by WWF to raise awareness on the need to do something about the climate change. Yes... The world's heating up and its not good. 1 degree celcius has gone up... another 5 degrees up and we're fucked, BIG TIME!

The Real Story
Earth Hour requires us to switch off non-essential lights and electrical appliances from 8.30pm to 9.30pm. Meaning? Switch off the lights and electrical shit that you wont be using. If you need to send an email at 9pm, go ahead! If you need to shit at 8.45, its cool to switch on the toilet light and do it. Understood?

What Most Malaysians Understood
KASI TUTUP SEMUA LAMPU, SEMUA ELEKTRIK PUNYA BARANG DARI PUKUL 8.30 sampai 9.30 malam! Kasi Happening!!!!! Satu dunia tutup lampu! Kita pun Tutup!

The Sad Part
Its cool to see fellow Malaysians going all out to "support"(everybody do, I aso do lor) this campaign without knowing the purpose and the story behind it... Some dingdongs are thinking that 28th March is World Earth Day... Many of em don't even know when the fuk World Earth Day is... But then hey, in the end of the day, s'all good... Earth hour will be a success...


In that one hour...

Is anyone gonna stop smoking?
Is anyone gonna stop littering?
Is anyone gonna stop driving to reduce emition of Carbon Monoxide into the air?

I dunno...

Can we really save the Earth?

Think about it :)


Rueben said...
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Rueben said...
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Rueben said...

punde lar earth hour.fucking idiots.when will people realize that switching off everything for 1 hour in a year will not save the earth