Look around you... How many Blackberry(s) do you see? There's no denying that this thing has taken over the world... Everybody's doing nothing but just constantly scrolling that stupid little Blackberry ball! Emails pouring in 24/7, Messenger is on 24/7, working colleagues have access to you 24/7... WOI! GET OUT OF YOUR BLACKBERRY LA CIBAI!!!! REALITY IS AROUND YOU! Not in your fucking phone!
So...to celebrate the Blackberry's victory over human beings... I've decided to remix an old song to make it The Blackberry Anthem... The original song goes something like this...
Aight... Now... Sing it Swami-Ji Style!~
The Blackberry Anthem
Whoa, Blackberry (bam-A-lam) Whoa, Blackberry (bam-A-lam) More important than your child (bam-A-lam) This damn thing’s goin wild (bam-A-lam) You won’t have a life (bam-A-lam) Gotta be Online (bam-A-lam) I said oh Blackberry (bam-A-lam) Whoa, Blackberry (bam-BA-lam) Whoa, Blackberry (bam-BA-lam) Whoa, Blackberry (bam-BA-lam) Direct access to your boss (bam-BA-lam) To get fucked in the ass (bam-BA-lam) Inbox so rock steady (bam-BA-lam) Emails always ready (bam-BA-lam) Whoa, Blackberry (bam-BA-lam) Whoa, Blackberry (bam-BA-lam) Whoa, Blackberry (bam-BA-lam) Whoa, Blackberry (bam-BA-lam) The device from hell (bam-BA-lam) Its why other phones fell (bam-BA-lam) Just scroll that thing (bam-BA-lam) Until your fingers sting (bam-BA-lam) Whoa, Blackberry (bam-BA-lam) Whoa, Blackberry BAM-BA-LAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!
Oh, By the way... This shit was not posted via Blackberry :P
First things first...I would like to thank Hard Rock Memorabilia for exhibiting this to the whole world, and Amresh Bhai, for showing me this note which was beautifully handwritten by Jimi Hendrix himself, for someone he referred to as a "little girl"... beautiful...
All Images Copyright (c) 2010 Hard Rock International,Inc. All Rights Reserved
The Note:
little girl.....
happiness is within you....so unlock the chains from your heart and let yourself grow— like the sweet flower you are..... I know the answer— Just spread your wings and set yourself FREE
Angels on the sideline, Puzzled and amused. Why did Father give these humans free will? Now they're all confused.
Don't these talking monkeys know that Eden has enough to go around? Plenty in this holy garden, silly monkeys, Where there's one you're bound to divide it. Right in two.
Angels on the sideline, Baffled and confused. Father blessed them all with reason. And this is what they choose. And this is what they choose...
Monkey killing monkey killing monkey Over pieces of the ground. Silly monkeys give them thumbs, They forge a blade, And where there's one they're bound to divide it, Right in two. Right in two.
Monkey killing monkey killing monkey. Over pieces of the ground. Silly monkeys give them thumbs. They make a club. And beat their brother, down. How they survive so misguided is a mystery.
Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.
Cut it all right in two
Fight over the clouds, over wind, over sky Fight over life, over blood, over prayer, overhead and light Fight over love, over sun, over another, Fight...
Angels on the sideline again. Benched along with patience and reason. Angels on the sideline again Wondering when this tug of war will end.
Do you believe in the devil? I don't know about you but I do...
Have you seen the devil? I don't know about you but I have...
Have you heard the devil speak? I don't know about you but I have...
Have you seen the Devil at work? I don't know about you but I have...
Even the faithful ones who're living in denial are walking with the devil everyday without realizing...
It has come to an extend where us absent minded fools cannot live a normal life without the presence of the devil...
You will go ape shit if you don't have the devil around you for one day...
The devil is in your pocket, around your arms, on your left, on your right, above you, below you, outside your house, in your room, everywhere and anywhere you can possibly think of... Fuck it, you're even looking at him right now...
Bloody brilliantly disguised as S.C.I.E.N.C.E...as T.E.C.H.N.O.L.O.G.Y...
The day the devil's anchor landed on earth was the day Science ran out of things to research and chose to question the existence of God...
The day the devil took charge was the day this thing called MEDIA came into play... with the radio, television, newspapers, computer, and the internet making us shallow minded fools his slaves... We believe everything we see... we believe everything we hear... we willingly let our pathetic minds get trapped in this evil box that claims to entertain us with nothing but utter bullshit... We depend on these plastic gadgets to live our daily lives...
Our iPhones, our laptops, our televisions, our Facebook, our Twitter updates, and a whole lot of different versions of manipulating, deceiving pile of monkey crap... Do we really need all these to live a normal life?
We find joy in seeing another man suffer... we pay to see another man suffer... One man's tragedy is comedy to another...
Children don't run around in gardens no more... They don't have friends no more...
All we see on the road while driving is pure hatred and selfishness...
We fuck in the name of love...
We abuse another human being who does all our dirty work...
We throw infants in drains and dustbins...
We rape, we kill, we steal...
We don't even twitch a muscle when we read a newspaper article about an earthquake that killed thousands of people somewhere else in the world...
And yet, we walk around with our heads held up high... thinking that we're moving forward...
You might label this as a whole load of poop, but face it...
It has come to an end...
This HAS TO come to an end...
Evil is dwelling within each and every one of us every single second...
Gone are the days when man lived life by the lines of religious transcripts that were supposed to be guidelines...
Gone are the days when man feared the abstract supreme force above him...
Man has learnt to question, to challenge, to manipulate, to deceive...
We don't believe in sharing no more...
We don't believe in caring no more...
We are not bothered to put ourselves in nobody's shoes no more...
I grew up just like any other kid out there, watching cartoons and Tamil movies, listening to Tamil songs, Lambada, Boney M, and a few other "disco kaki" hits. As time went on, I got exposed to more popular music from artists like Madonna, Duran Duran, Michael Jackson, Abba, and so many more... Thanks to my parents' cassette collection.
As time passed by, I grew up... entered primary school, and got exposed to urm...This is embarassing...er...How shall I put it...urm...aah Fuck it, Yes, I was into boy bands! Backstreet Boys were the shyt, AJ was the manliest of them all, N'Sync were too cool to be true, 911 were totally awesome okay!?
To make things worse, I kinda liked spice girls too...urm... well, look at the bright side... At least I was heading the right direction! I was attracted to boobies as early as 11...
In the midst of all of this pop bullshit... I was also devoted to Tamil songs (movie soundtracks), until this Malaysian Tamil Rock band called "The Keys", popped out of nowhere in 1994 with their debut album "Akkamage" and started a whole new movement... called "Samba Rock". Key criteria of this genre? - Catchy beat, catchy lyrics that dont make sense, shit loads of guitar riffs, and a whole lot of HEADBANGING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Believe it or not, no other local Tamil album has seen as much fame or got as much respect as The Keys after Alleycats... Big Up for that!
So, yea... this was heavier than anything that I've heard, and I loved em to bits... On the English side, I was still listening to mainstream pop bullshit compilation albums like "NOW 3", "MAX 2", "Mega Hits Vol. 2,542". All they had in these albums were collections of gay-ass songs like "As long as you love me" by Backstreet Boys, "I swear" by this bunch of faggot-y niggas called All For One, "All that she wants" by Ace for Base, "Coco Jumbo" by god knows who... and everything that falls within the same time zone.
I knew for a fact that I was losing interest in pop but there was nothing else to layan! All I had was RTM, TV3, Radio Musik, Radio 4, and few "The Keys" albums. I didn't even know what "AN" Internet was :P So, yea... due to lack of exposure, I had no choice but to stick to pop, until I grew a little bigger...
I was 12 years old...It was just another Sunday afternoon, me in front of the TV, after Kelab Disney Malaysia, after Berita Terkini... waiting for the next show... when TV3 decided to play a "cycle-gap" video... which in a way, changed my life
It was the coolest song I've heard in my life!!!! and it felt... so different... It was love at first sight!!!!!!!!
So the following Sunday, After few days of buttering my dad for 20 bucks...I took the bus and went to Jusco Bukit Raja Klang all by myself to hunt down the MI2 Soundtrack... and Fuck Yeah I found it! Came back as fast as I could... took my Walkman (which was a bigger phenomenon than the iPod by the way), removed the plastic wrapper, put the cassette inside... *click... and a click...* and Voila!~
Believe it or not... Life was never the same again...
For a kid who was once the first child to get whooped by the kindergarten principal, who got a beating of a lifetime for calling a teacher "cibai" at the age of 9, who got bitchslapped by the daddy on a weekly basis for behaving like a total ape... lines such as "Now I know Why you wanna hate me" , " life will kick you in the ass", and "I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer" and all those heavy riffs made me feel so good...Angry music sounded so soothing...So I decided to venture deeper into the heavier side of music, which led to my second trip to Jusco Bukit Raja, ending up with me coming home with another life-changing purchase, "Limp Bizkit's Choclate Starfish & the Hot Dog Flavoured water"... And the first track went,
2 days after the purchase... As I came back after school, daddy throws cassette into dustbin and goes "No more nonsense like this... understood?" Hehe... I just thought "Fuck It", bought a new cassette and hid it :P I mean... come on lah...
And another year passed...I was 13... this time I was walking around Klang Parade... and saw this CD that looked very very interesting...
Title of first song? "People = Shit"... Nyehehehehehehe
And just as expected... Daddy finds the CD cover at the worst time... coz this was during the "Gejala Social terbaru... BLACK METAL!!!!" phase...
Daddy sends CD cover flying to my face... and makes official statement that he has given up...
But it didn't stop my journey into the world of Metal you see...Coz eventually Slipknot became too mellow to my ears... making me wanting heavier shyt as I grew older... And by this time, internet was available already... which made life easier, coz I could just download whatever the fuck I wanted...ranging from mainstream bands like Killswitch Engage, Coal Chamber and Cradle of Filth to heavier stuff like Machine Head,Lamb of God, Morbid Angel and Amon Amarth to legendary metal bands like Metallica, Motorhead and Iron Maiden to darker metal like Rudra, Melechesh, Dark Funeral, Enslaved, Immortal and so many more...
I won't deny that I did take time off from Metal to layan some occasional Rap, Reggae and Trance but then again... they came and went... Only Metal stayed...
"Why Metal?" you may wonder... Simple... I only listen to music that I can relate to... Why the fuck would I like a song just for the sake of liking it? The whole world can go on singing Oasis' "Don't look back in anger"... I can't be bothered... I'll stick to "Voodoo Child"...
I hate the mainstream media, I hate the younger generation, I hate the American way of life, I hate politicians, I hate technology, I hate the television, I hate the way the world is now... Heck, I even hate the way my life is sometimes... so how do I express myself? Lady Gaga? Akon? All American Rejects? Boys like Girls?
As far as I'm concerned... Music is a source of escapism, a way to express yourself... and Metal is the channel for me...
In all, nothing...I mean absolutely nothing can compare to the feeling I get when the hair behind my neck stands, you know... every time after layaning a monstrous riff... Get what I'm saying? ;)